
About cousin Henry

Fiction Friday this week wants us to write a story in which our character is committed to a drastic or extreme change. This is not actually fiction but I'm sure you won't mind!

I was very young and I didn’t understand. I had this cousin whom I adored, his name was Henry. He was much older than me. I was about six and he was at least sixteen. I used to think that when I was old enough to have a boyfriend I’d like one just like Henry.

Well, Henry’s family moved away and I didn’t see him for a couple of years. I say I didn’t see ‘him’, in fact I never saw ‘him’ again. I saw Henrietta!

I was little confused to say the least. I didn’t realised that boys could suddenly change into girls. I was more than confused, I was really worried. I mean, I loved being a little girl and the last thing I wanted to happen was for me to turn into a spotty scruffy boy!

My parents didn’t really talk about the dramatic change that happened to Henry. They didn’t seem particularly keen on his new look and when I asked what had happened they did that ‘you’ll understand when you’re older’ thing.

In my youthful innocence I didn’t realise that Henry had decided for himself to become Henrietta. I assumed that he’d woken up one day and found he was girl. Now this is where it gets a bit embarrassing. I was so terrified of changing that I used to keep a close watch on what was happening ‘down below’. I was convinced that one day I’d look down and see the start of one of those horrid boy things!

Obviously I understand all about it now. After all I’m thirty next week! I got used to Henrietta eventually and I even dressed up as fairy when he – sorry, she got married. However the wedding confused me even more because instead of her (he) marrying a fella, she (he) married a girl. That one I’ve never got my head round.

I’ve just remembered a joke. How do you define a transvestite? A man who likes to eat, drink and be Mary!

Bye x


  1. Hi Rosey,

    I wondered whether someone would choose that topic as the challenge. Very good take on it from the eyes of a child. "To Kill A Mockingbird" is a wonderful book in which "grown-up" events are seen through the eyes of a child. Well done!

    Mine is here: http://thanihaveeverdone.blogspot.com/

  2. Its always interesting to see "adult" events portrayed from the innocent point of view of a child and you capture well tyour experience. A very interesting piece.

  3. Cute. I like the joke at the end, though from a strictly story/writing point of view, I am not sure it is entirely necessary.

    Still, pretty good as a flash fiction piece :)

  4. Anonymous3.7.09

    I considered this topic, as my father is a pre-op transsexual. I think you have done it justice.
    I am glad you felt brave enough to write about it.

  5. Cute story, innocent and interesting.



  6. I like the child's perspective of the story and as the child grew so did her acceptance/understanding tempered with confusion of marriage choices. Nice job.

  7. wonderful story. I never considered the confusion of a child. hope Henrietta is happy. It must be very difficult to be confused about ones gender. At least in today's world she has some chance of a happy life

  8. Pretty fly for a white girl!

  9. This is so cute and boy do I understand your confusion. I heard of a woman that changed to a man, fell in love with a man and wanted to reverse the procedure. By that time everyone was so confused they didn't care anymore...but they went to the wedding. I have always thought they were just curious!


  10. Many apologies for my tardiness on giving feedback – I have been without the internet for a lifetime – a fortnight. Visitors can find my FF for 3rd July here - http://annieevett.blogspot.com/2009/06/your-essence.html

    Once again Rosy you have handled a very sensitive subject with grace and laughter, love and graciousness, judged only through the eyes of one so young and innocent - pity we all lose that.... and wonderous you have kept it.
